Minggu, 19 September 2010

Life's designed to kill (and I've killed)

"Hey life, can you be any better? I'm sick of living. Wait for me to grow up, you can hurt me then."
Sooner or later everybody will die, but I've killed long time ago. Love & life, they're the best killer ever, I've killed by them. Sometimes I think how to get a better life, but emptiness always haunt me.

terkadang kalian berpikir bahwa kehidupan gak bakal lebih baik daripada "ini" tetapi sebenarnya "ini" bukanlah kehidupan sebenarnya yang akan kalian dapat. Think positive and keep alive mungkin satu-satu nya cara untuk menjadi lebih baik daripada ini. Aku mencoba untuk berjalan sendiri tanpa halangan tapi terkadang halangan terbesar adalah diriku sendiri. Myself is my biggest fear, I've tried to life without it but sometimes this fear came in and came out. It comes over and over, no one could stop it. OH GOD I'M DYING HERE! PLEASE HELP :(

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010



Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Let Love Bleed Red

Is it naive to make plans that seem so far away?
There's a reason I feel this way,
you're sleeping alone, I'm awake.
As you dream of me tonight, am I close to where you are?

Lay me down,
and tell me everything will be alright,
things will be alright.

Lay me down,
and tell me everything will be alright.
Things will be alright.
This could mean everything or nothing at all
You take what is real, I'll give you my all.

Is it naive to make plans that seem so, so, so far?
I think, "let's not wait, let's love right now.
Let's love right now."

Lay me down,
and tell me everything will be alright,
things will be alright.

Lay me down,
and tell me everything will be alright.
Things will be alright.

[Aaron Marsh]
Oh here where we lie, outstretched to wonder why we don't belong.
You deserve much more, and I'll give until I'm all gone.
Forever know your face and ever take your place here by my side,
like a ghost into night,
the poisoned apple to my bite.
I'll be the shadow at your door,
I'll be the moth into your light,
cause you deserve much more.
Yeah, you deserve much more.

Lay me down,
tell me everything will be alright,
things will be alright.
Thunder storms could never shake us.

Lay me down and kiss me like things will be alright.
Everything will be alright.
This could mean everything or nothing at all.
You take what is real, I'll give you my all.

by: Sleeping With Sirens

Blog walker

I'm back but nothing at all.

to much story and all is different now
all about my life, my frinds, my boyfriend, and my mind

first! it's so, so, and so far from my life before. it's too different and no more chance to make it change, by the way tomorrow will be my first goal. wish me can pass this junior high school, guys.

second! Aha! it's too secret.....*#%^$@*

third! I had a new boyfriend, 1 month I had passed with him. hope us can long last

fourth! MY BAND! I joined "mother scream" and I still love "VERSHA" it both my life :)

fifth! my mind is too slow for thinking. "ARGH" it's too much different.

but so far, I love my job, my life, my band, my boyfriend, my friends. OH EVERYTHING

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

my breathe as yours

I know I made a mistake
lose you like I lost my second breathe and can't build it up again
I broke my right wing, and kill myself

could you see this blood is bleeding in my eyes?
could you feel half of mine?

just sitting here along and lost everything
I don't know they're left me so bad
but you must know, I'm still here breathing

taste this pain like me
touch this thunder slowly
I'll guide you to do everything, I will safe you
can you feel I am here? I'm here still breathing

just to reach you, I'll safe you
here, to safe you...safe you
cause that I'm still here breathing

keep your steps darling, I'll come
cause I'm still here breathing.. for you
I know you won't come back, but I'll be forever..now and always
for breathe....

-davey jean

Minggu, 29 November 2009

bacot kecil

"hilang satu tumbuh seribu" mungkin banyak orang yang berkata demikian, namun apakah ada satu orang yg berfikir kalau cinta sejati itu ada, dan andaikan cinta itu hilang maka kehidupan pun akan hilang. namun apa kalian tau setiap pertemuan pasti akan ada perpisahan, dan perpisahan ada lah langkah awal untuk pembukaan yang baru. kehilangan memang bukan hal mudah untuk dilupakan tapi hal gampang untuk dijadikan suatu gambaran kehidupan. satu contoh, pernah merasa sayang sama sesorang? tapi orang itu tidak merasakan hal yang sebaliknya. setiap orang boleh merasakan "sayang" tapi jangan biarkan perasaan itu memperbudak. kalau ada kata-kata "kasian" tolong berfikir andaikan dia sayang sama lo dia gk akan biarin lo disini, sendiri, ngerasain hal yang namanya "sakit hati". satuhal yang perlu kalian tau cinta itu mengejar apa yang dia rasa adalah hak dan akan milik nya tetapi sebaliknya cinta itu akan pergi jika itu buka takdirnya. semua orang punya jalan masing-masing tapi disaat jalan itu harus di isi dengan kehadiran seseorang yang dicintai harus selayaknya diterima, tapi satu pesan yang perlu kalian tau. cinta itu tidak selama nya abadi tapi diri kalian lah yang abadi, buat apa bersedih-sedih akan cinta? lebih baik kalian terbang bersama angin biarkan kalian merasakan yang namanya hidup biarkan cinta datang dan pergi tanpa menyakiti.

davey jean~

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009


hmm...well udah ada yang tau gue patah hati? kalo belom nudge me in msn yeah, hmm okee congrat buat noel yang udah pulang dari bali yah (walaupun ga dibawain oleh-oleh tetep gue terima) beberapa hari ini banyak kerjaan (sok sibuk) sama love life yang buat gue mau muntahin wajah orang satu persatu..well sorry deh hmm tapiii kalo udah blessings ada satu PRINSIP yang bisa ditiru, yaitu prinsip nya noel.. thanks ya wel

1. misalkan musik:
hidup sama bakat gw yg bsa gw jadiin kebangan sama penghasilan gw di masa depan

2. misalkan sekolah:
sarana buat gw bisa kembangin otak gw sama buat keep close temen-temen gw

3. misalkan pacar:
step buat gw untuk bisa belajar nyayangin seseorang dan hargain & jaga tuh orang sebisa gw...sama selalu coba buat tetep bikin cewe gw seneng sebisa gw

4. misalkan hidup:
putaran waktu setiap hari yg harus gw gunain sama nikmatin..jangan pernah jadiin 1 hari dalam hidup tuh hari yg sia-sia

good idea thnks a lot to noel..tapi gue punya prinsip sendiri loh mihihi yaitu

"gue itu anak lucu, manis, imut-imut yg cuman butuh main-main, sahabat dan uang. gue berdiri buat diri gue sendiri dan bukan buat orang lain, selalu ceria gembira gaboleh sedih gimana pun caranya karna hidup itu cuman 24 jam dan ga akan berputar kembali atau gak akan ada hari berikutnya"

emang kedengerannya narsis sih but sorry so far itu prinsip gue buat tetep tegar, thnks a lot ya friends muah,xo